
“One of the key factors for resiliency in children is the presence of a caring and consistent adult. It is these positive relationships that help children to turn toxic stress into tolerable stress.
- Nicole Thornton, Staff Attorney

Tommy was taken away from his home at the age of five.  He and his three siblings were placed in four different foster homes.  Tommy changed schools four times during four years, which resulted in him falling behind in his academics.  He was loosing all hope.  And then he met his CASA volunteer Robert and his life changed forever.  

While in county protective care, Johnnie was moved 15 times in two years.  A child used to no rules was forced into strange houses, three hospitals, emergency care facilities and residential treatment centers in five different cities.  And then CASA found him.

Julia assumed the role of a parent at a very early age. Her mother, consumed by her addiction to alcohol and drugs, was seldom home to take care of Julia and her four siblings. Julia fell behind at school and started to hang out with the wrong crowd. And the she found CASA.